Our Mission
OUR MISSION: The Kula Catholic Community, blessed by God, inspired by Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit, seeks to worship God with sincerity of heart, witness the Gospel by our words and actions, share Christian values in our personal and community lives, and offer service to all people.
OUR VISION: As members of the Kula Catholic Community our vision is to be a strong, visible community of faith; Christ-like, welcoming, and offering encouragement, support and hope to all.
“Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.”
— St. John Paul II."
Three churches serve the needs of parishioners in upcountry Maui in Hawaii. Our parish office and rectory are located at Our Lady Queen of the Angels in Keokea, Maui.
Holy Ghost Mission in Waiakoa, and St. James the Less in Ulupalakua. We invite you to browse our site to learn more about our parish and its activities. Visitors are always welcome at our masses, and we encourage local residents who do not have a church or have been estranged from the church for any reason to join us in the celebration of mass at one of the times shown under "Mass Schedules". Holy Ghost Mission, which is on both the State and Federal Registries of Historical Buildings, is also open daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to welcome visitors to view this beautiful and unique church.
Please call the church office at 878-1261 for more information on any of these programs or see "Parish Contacts" for the names and numbers to call for more information on any aspects of our church activities or personal needs you may have.