~ Calendar of Events~
2020 Holy Ghost Feast ~ May 30 & 31
Plan to join us at our next Feast ~ Details Coming Soon
2020 Golf Tournament ~ Sign up here, Time and Location TBD
3 - Kula Hospital Mass at 10:30am
17 - Last day for Thanksgiving Basket Project
20 - Bible Sharing, OLQA, 6pm
23-24 - Photos of our Beloveds can be taken home
24 - Children’s Mass, 9:30am at Holy Ghost, refreshments after Mass. Refreshments after the 7am Mass.
27 - Rosary for Life, 6pm at Holy Ghost
28 - Thanksgiving Mass, 9:30am at Holy Ghost (no 7am)
30-12/1 - First Sunday of Advent, Angel Tree Project begins
1 - 1st Sunday of Advent, Angel Tree Project begins
5 - Advent Recollection by Father Adondee, 6pm at Holy Ghost
8 - 2nd Sunday of Advent
9 - The Immaculate Conception, Holy Day of Obligation, 7am at OLQA and 6pm at Holy Ghost
11 - Kula Hospital Mass, 10:30am
13 - Penance Service, 6pm, Holy Ghost
14 - Parish Pre-Christmas Party at Holy Ghost after 5pm Mass, potluck dinner
15 - 3rd Sunday of Advent, Last day of Angel Tree Project, please bring in your gifts with Angels securely attached to the gift. Commissioning of Altar Servers at 9:30 Mass.